Wednesday, 20 October 2021

 How I painted: Night Goblin Spear Shafts

A few people have asked me on various social media platforms how I painted the goblins. In particular the skin, spear shafts, rusty bits and shields. So for anyone interested (and for future me - who will no doubt have forgotten which paints were used) here is a quick step by step for the spear shafts.

The paints used are all acrylic paints by Vallejo. They are: 826 Cam Medium Brown, 921 English uniform, 988 khaki and 821 German Cam Beige.

The picture above shows a goblin in front of the paint that was used to achieve the colour for the spear shaft with that paint. The picture below show the spear shaft more clearly.

Step 1. Basecoat the entire spear shaft with Vallejo 826 Cam Medium Brown

Step 2. Using Vallejo 921 English Uniform paint lines down the spear shaft, allow a few thin lines of the previous colour to simulate wood grain. make sure the lines aren't straight up and down, make them a little wavy.

Step 3. Now paint over the lines you just painted with Vallejo 988 Khaki. Leave some of the previous colour showing at the edges. it doesn't matter that much if you go outside of the lines at this stage.

Step 4. Now do the same again. this time with Vallejo 821 German Cam Beige.

That's pretty much it. I did tint them with a little ink and I added some chipping as well, but I'll cover that in another post as I don't have any pictures to show at this time.

Until next time - stay frosty.

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 How I painted: Night Goblin Spear Shafts A few people have asked me on various social media platforms how I painted the goblins. In particu...